It was a pleasant walk out of Puente La Reina over a classic old bridge. Today is a shorter day – only 16km. We are trying to get off the stages and to stop at albergues between the more popular main stops in the Brierley guide.
Within 30 minutes of leaving town we were climbing a very steep hill. We didn’t see that coming! We walked along vineyards, and groves of olive trees. Among the olive trees, a young man has created a rest stop with snacks, drinks, and seats among the olive trees: his “Olive Gard-Zen.” He smiles and welcomes pilgrims, accepting only donations for his refreshments. He also has a little “free library” and hopes to expand it. Miraculously, he said, the books never get wet.
Lots of climbs today – shorter than in the past, but challenging. We love all the outdoor water faucets – water is so cold and delicious. We finished our walk earlier than usual today, at 2:00pm, giving us time to shower, relax, drink wine and visit.
Tonight we stay at Casa Magica in Villatuerte – highly recommended – and it lived up to its reputation. Sara loved the hammock and took a great nap while Evan did the laundry. We spent time getting to know Brian, Perry and Mercy, who we met the night before. There are 6 in our room. Two of the women are in the early stages of a cold – ugh!
One of our favorite things about the albergues is the Community Dinner with the other Pilgrims. Tonight’s meal was Vegetarian and delicious. A beautiful salad, soup, paella and cheesecake – and of course wine! We shared our meal with folks from Holland, Canada, Germany, and New Zealand. We understand why this great place is named Casa Magica.