To book, or not to book: That is the question. Common wisdom on the Camino says that there is no need to book ahead and make reservations. Just make your walk and show up at an albergue. They’ll have a bed for you, and if not, they’ll help you find a bed elsewhere. Or you can just walk on to the next place to find a bed. Don’t worry because, as they always say, “The Camino will provide.”
We began by booking ahead for just the first three nights. It was good not to worry about having a place. We have since learned that there are a great many pilgrims walking the Camino right now. On one recent day, more than 500 people began their walk from St. Jean Pied de Port. Given those numbers, we’re thinking it would be wise to book ahead, despite the Camino wisdom.
Today was our first without a reservation. Since it was a short day for us, we arrived in Santo Domingo de la Calzada early at an albergue that did not accept reservations. The Abadia Cistercienses is run by Cistercien nuns in a monastery in the middle of the old town. As early-birds, we lucked out with a two-bed room to ourselves, but we shared the tiniest bathroom with six others. It is a very old building – but had character and a garden in the back.
After settling in, we explored the town. Sara bought a new pair of socks and a buff. We ran into more of our Camino friends: had dinner with Perry and Brian, then spent time with Janine and Gil. Altogether a successful and enjoyable day.