Today was another short day, only nine miles, but the first blister for Sara. From Villatuerte in the morning, we walked through a larger city of Estella, which the Spanish would pronounce as “ay-stay-ah.”
Along the way we stopped at the home of an iron worker selling all sorts of beautiful creations. Sara bought her scallop-shell necklace there. Just beyond that we tasted wine from an open fountain. Not the best wine, but a great photo-op.
We had pre-booked our stay at Villamayor de Monjardin, but we actually arrived before noon. Evan considered hiking further along the way, but after sharing some wine and beer with friends made along the way, we were both convinced to take it easy and enjoy the company, and warm community at our albergue.
This was an “Oasis Trails” albergue, staffed by folks from Holland and elsewhere in Europe. They were so kind, attentive and genuinely warm that we loved our stay there. As we sat in the hot afternoon sun, Sean would fill pails with cold water and Epsom Salts to provide foot bathes for the weary pilgrims. Later we shared a marvelous community meal with great food, great conversation, and of course wine. Then off early to bed so we could rise before the sun in the morning to return to our pilgrimage.