We have trouble keeping track of the days of the week since we retired and began walking the Camino. It just doesn’t seem so relevant to what we’re doing – what day of the week, what time of the day. We just know that every day we get up and start walking
By design, today’s walk is shorter, only about ten miles. We broke the walk up so we wouldn’t have those 18 mile days. This morning, we walked through marvelous vineyards where Sara cannot resist taking pictures of clusters of purple grapes, all getting ripe for the harvest. We tasted a few as well. As you can see from the photo, we were delighted by a beautiful rainbow along the way.
We walked through one larger city, Najera, and then back out to the countryside. It’s beautiful country with hills all around. We are up by 6:00am and walking by 7:00 or 7:15. Its still dark outside, until the sun comes up on our backs – we’re heading west now. Life is very good! Evan would probably think it was better if he had his morning coffee. We usually start walking for a few miles before we stop at the first cafe of the day.
We stayed at the municipal albergue in Azofra. It was quite nice, and we even had our own two-bed room, although the facilities are all shared among 60 guests. Sara visited the local grocery store and we ended up sharing resources with Natashja and Yolanda and cooked a great meal of our own. This was fun, and we saw others also cooking at the albergue – we made a mental note to try frying up potatoes and onions along with some of the marvelous chorizo so common in this region. Others were making that and it smelled and looked delicious!
The only frustration at this place was the flies. Happily they were not in our bedroom, but they were a constant nuisance in the main kitchen and gathering room. When we left Azofra, we celebrated leaving the flies behind.