You are currently viewing Day Twenty-Seven: Leon to Villar de Mazarife
300 kilometers to Santiago (186 miles)

Day Twenty-Seven: Leon to Villar de Mazarife

We left Leon this morning at 7:11 AM for a 12.2 mile day.  It was a walk through the outskirts and suburbs of Leon which eventually led to more of an industrial area.  These parts of town are not so engaging and beautiful.  Camino Metaphor: I guess it’s like life — not every day is beautiful. But this too is necessary. And if we keep on walking, it gets beautiful again.

We’ve reconnected with some of our Camino friends this morning. Even made an extra café stop to visit with Kent and Kathy and Mike. We also ran into Natasha and Sheree again. This morning we took an alternate route to get off the main road and walk through a few small towns. One town, La Virgen del Camino, is preparing for a town festival with vendors setting up all down the main street and whole families in costume readying for the event.

Our path today was pretty easy – fairly flat with some hills. We walk along a country road for a while and then on a dirt road heading for our day’s destination

We arrived at today’s destination, Albergue Tito Pepe around 1:00. This is a small town so we really don’t have much to do. Sara and Evan take turns napping, showering, and working on the blog Unfortunately, the WiFi isn’t great, so we don’t make much progress. 

Sara, with her glass of wine, spent time in the garden making three new Camino friends – from Holland, Los Angeles, and Australia.  We love this about the Camino. We come from many countries but we all share a common destination and purpose right now.

We have dinner at our albergue and then take a short walk around the little town.
In bed a little after 9 to read and quickly fall asleep.  There is a large group of young people staying here tonight. – they are having a great time. Most were travelling alone or in pairs, but having met on the Camino, they are now traveling together and tonight really enjoying themselves. The laughter gets a bit too loud, and they are  drinking lots of beer.  In the morning, some are finding it harder to get started. But it’s great to see them connecting and sharing their experiences. 

Another beautiful morning after the sun rises with the golden light on the corn feilds
After days on the flat Meseta, we are walking towards the mountains