(17 kilometers = 11 miles)
We left Orrison at 8 am and arrived at Roncevalles at 2:30. It was a beautiful day with gorgeous views as we climbed for hours, higher into the Pyrenees. This is hard work! Then finally you reach the top, only to realize that you must now walk down. Sometimes a steep downhill walk is even tougher than the long climb.
We were glad we chose to end at Orisson rather than trekking on to Roncevalles yesterday. Those who hiked on yesterday were greeted on the heights with rain and sleet. We’ve enjoyed meeting people and chatting as we walked the trail. Today we met people from Scotland, Florida and Ireland. Dan and his father Larry, who will celebrate his 80th birthday on the Camino, live in Melbourne. Tom and his “uncle-in-law” Gerry (78 years old) plan to complete the entire walk. Yes, it’s Tom & Gerry – more about them later.
Five miles up the road we came upon Luis, with his food truck on this part of the trail….What a welcome sight. We sat and had hot chocolate, a banana and a hard-boiled egg. We walked a few more hours and sat on a rock and ate our lunch. Then we started the downhill trek to Roncevalles.
In Roncevalles we stayed in a large former monastery, now dedicated to housing Camino pilgrims. On arrival we located our beds (Evan gets the top bunk), showered (the first thing you want to do), and then set out to explore Roncevalle. Over a beer, or two, we met a couple from Seattle, Catheryn and HP (for Hans-Peter). Our chat filled our time as we waited for the pilgrim meal which doesn’t start until 7:00 pm. Then, after dinner, we attended the Pilgrim’s Mass before returning to our bunks.
Tonight we are only two of 180 pilgrims sharing space in the monastery. We shared a cubicle with 2 other people (two bunk beds) and shared two community bathrooms with about 40 people. Surprisingly, there was rarely a wait.
MAGICAL MOMENT: Absolutely beautiful views of the Pyrenees and the open friendly people we have met in just two days.